XrX Animated Logo Utility ver.

XrX Logo Screen Saver Version 1.2

XrX AddBar Utility Version 2.0.5 Public Beta

Start-up Logo Files

XRX Animated Logo Utility

The XrX Animated Logo Utility (XrXLogo) allows the user to view Windows 98 (95)(r) animated startup logos without rebooting their system. The program displays the animation in a window, and allows the viewing of the animation full screen.

XrXLogo also allows the user to install a logo, while viewing it, in place of the standard startup logo. (The install routine will now handle compressed drives properly, and will allow you to install Startup, Wait and Shutdown Logos (Dec 28, 1998)) (Shareware expiry date pushed out to 2002, and minor memory leak corrected, and  Dec 5, 1999)

XRX Logo Screen Saver

The XrX Logo Screen Saver uses animated startup logos for a screen saver, rotates between logos, and has adjustable speed of aimation and movement of the logo if the logo isn't full screen.  Version 1.2 corrects a problem with the password dialog.

XRX Add Bar Utility

The XrX Add Bar Utility (AddBar) adds a an animation bar in the style of the default Windows Startup Screen to any bitmap that is 320 x 400, 256 Colors. This capability will be added to XrXLogo in the future, but for now this does the trick.